Charoite Meaning, Zodiac Sign, Healing Properties and Powers



Charoite is a unique and captivating crystal known for its vibrant purple color and swirling patterns.Its color ranges from light lavender to deep purple, often with intricate patterns of swirling white, black, and other shades of purple.In terms of its metaphysical properties, charoite is often associated with transformation, spiritual growth, and inner exploration. It is believed to be a stone of inspiration, insight, and personal power. Charoite is said to enhance one's intuition and psychic abilities, making it a valuable tool for spiritual practitioners and those seeking deeper spiritual connections.

Healing Properties

 Protection  Grounding  Purification  Spiritual growth  Self-Acceptance  

Protection: It can create a sense of energetic boundaries, preventing the absorption of external influences.

Grounding: Charoite is believed to have grounding properties, helping individuals stay rooted, centered, and balanced amidst challenges or spiritual exploration.

Purification: It is often used in crystal healing for conditions such as insomnia, stress, and fatigue.

Spiritual-growth: It is said to open and activate the Crown Chakra, enhancing spiritual insights, intuition, and connection with higher realms.

Metaphysical Properties

  • It is believed to assist individuals in releasing old patterns.
  •  Promoting personal growth and positive change.
  • It is believed to create a shield around the aura.
  • It is believed to assist in channeling divine guidance.

  • It is believed to assist in releasing emotional wounds.

What Chakra is Charoite?

Charoite is primarily associated with the Third Eye (Brow) and Crown Chakras. The Third Eye Chakra, located in the center of the forehead, is associated with intuition, insight, and spiritual awareness. It governs our ability to see beyond the physical realm and access higher levels of consciousness. The Crown Chakra, located at the top of the head, is the highest energy center in the body. It connects us to the divine, universal energy, and represents spiritual connection, enlightenment, and higher states of consciousness. Charoite's energy can also activate and align the Crown Chakra, facilitating a deeper connection with spiritual realms, spiritual guidance, and the expansion of consciousness.

How to Cleanse & Charge Charoite?

Cleanse with Smudging and Charge for a sort time in Selenite Charging.

Smudging with sacred herbs such as white sage, palo santo, or cedar can effectively clear any unwanted energies from your charoite crystal. Place your charoite crystal on or near a selenite charging plate or wand overnight to recharge its energy.

 How to spot Fake Charoite?

Genuine charoite typically displays a range of lavender, purple, and violet hues with swirling patterns. Charoite is known for its distinctive swirling patterns, often resembling brush strokes or waves. Charoite is a relatively soft stone with a smooth, waxy or vitreous luster. Genuine charoite tends to be heavier compared to some of its imitations.

Final Thoughts

Charoite is a truly unique and captivating crystal with its mesmerizing patterns and vibrant purple hues. It is not only a beautiful stone but also holds significant metaphysical properties. Charoite is believed to assist in personal transformation, spiritual growth, and the development of psychic abilities. It promotes inner reflection, clarity of thought, and a deeper connection with the spiritual realm.Its protective qualities can shield you from negative energies and enhance your energetic boundaries. Charoite is also said to strengthen courage and inspire confidence, allowing you to overcome obstacles and pursue your dreams.