How to cleanse and charge a crystal product

Crystal Recharging Techniques.

Cleansing: Washing Away the Weariness

  • Sunbathing: Bask your crystals in the morning sun's gentle rays for a couple of hours. Sunlight acts as a natural purifier, washing away negativity and revitalizing the crystal's energy.

  • Moonbathing: Place your crystals under the soft glow of the moon overnight. The moon's calming energies are believed to cleanse and restore balance, making it ideal for crystals used for emotional healing or intuition.
  • Smudging: Pass your crystals through the smoke of burning sage, palo santo, or other cleansing herbs. The smoke is believed to carry away negativity and stagnant energy, leaving your crystals feeling refreshed.
  • Sound Cleansing: Let the vibrations of tuning forks, singing bowls, or chimes wash over your crystals. The sound waves are said to break up and clear any negative energy, leaving your crystals with a renewed resonance.
Salt Bath: Dissolve some sea salt in water and gently soak your crystals for a few minutes. Salt is known for its cleansing properties, effectively absorbing negativity and restoring the crystal's natural equilibrium.

  • Crystal Revitalization

    Charging: Rekindling the Inner Flame

  • Geode Power: Place your crystals on a geode or selenite plate. These stones naturally emit cleansing and charging energies, gently revitalizing your crystals and amplifying their properties.

  • Visualization Meditation: Hold your crystal in your hands and close your eyes. Visualize white light or your chosen color of energy flowing into the crystal, filling it with vibrant, positive energy. Set an intention for your crystal, imbuing it with your desired purpose.

  • Nature's Embrace: Bury your crystals in the earth for a few days. The earth's natural energies are incredibly grounding and recharging, infusing your crystals with renewed vitality and connection to the natural world.

    While all crystals can benefit from cleansing and charging to maintain their energetic potential, some crystals are particularly renowned for their charging abilities. Here are a few charging crystals:

    1. Clear Quartz: Known as the "master healer," clear quartz amplifies and purifies the energy of other crystals, making it a fantastic all-purpose charging stone. Its ability to store and transmit information makes it an excellent choice for enhancing the properties of other crystals placed upon it.

    Clear Quartz Pyramid - 1" Inch

    2. Selenite: Often referred to as the "white light" stone, selenite exudes a gentle, cleansing energy that purifies and recharges other crystals without depleting its own energy. Its self-cleansing properties make it a convenient and low-maintenance charging stone.

    Selenite Crystal Charging 3 Inch Plate - Sri Yantra

    3. Citrine: Nicknamed the "abundance stone," citrine radiates positive energy and promotes optimism, making it a perfect choice for charging crystals used for attracting prosperity or manifestation. Its sunny disposition can revitalize other crystals and infuse them with its vibrant energy.

    Citrine Crystal Raw - 2 Pieces


    4. Carnelian: A stone of motivation and action, carnelian is known for boosting energy and vitality. Its fiery nature can rekindle the spark in other crystals, particularly those used for creativity, courage, or overcoming challenges.

    Carnelian Crystal Bracelet - Adjustable

    5. Smoky Quartz: Grounding and protective, smoky quartz is adept at neutralizing negative energy and clearing blockages. Its ability to transmute negativity makes it a valuable tool for cleansing and recharging other crystals, leaving them feeling refreshed and ready to radiate their positive energy.

    Smoky Quartz Crystal Japa Mala - Saadi



  • There's no single "right" way to cleanse and charge your crystals. Experiment with different methods and find what resonates most with you.
  • Cleanse your crystals regularly, especially after using them for healing, protection, or manifestation work.
  • Avoid strong electromagnetic fields like TVs or computers while cleansing or charging your crystals.
  • If your crystal feels dull or sluggish, it might be time for a cleansing and charging session.