
How to use and cleanse Angelite crystal ?

Angelite is a gentle and soothing crystal known for its connection to angelic energies. Here's a guide on how to use and cleanse Angelite crystal:

1. Clearing the Crystal:

   - Before using your Angelite crystal for the first time, it's important to clear any negative energies it may have absorbed. You can use the following methods:

     - Smudging: Pass the crystal through the smoke of burning sage, palo santo, or other cleansing herbs. The smoke helps remove stagnant energy.

     - Moonlight: Place the crystal in direct moonlight overnight. The moon's energy has a purifying effect and can cleanse the crystal.

     - Selenite Charging: Place your Angelite crystal on a selenite charging plate or next to a selenite wand overnight. Selenite has a powerful cleansing effect and can help clear other crystals.

2. Calming and Soothing Energy:

   - Angelite is often used for its calming and soothing properties. Hold the crystal in your hand and set your intention to experience its gentle and peaceful energy. You can also place it near your body or under your pillow to promote a sense of tranquility and serenity.

3. Communication and Connection:

   - Angelite is associated with enhancing communication, particularly with angelic beings or higher realms. Hold the crystal near your throat chakra, located in the center of your throat, to support clear and compassionate communication. It can also be used during meditation to connect with spiritual guides or angels.

4. Healing and Balancing:

   - Angelite is believed to support healing and balance, especially in matters of emotional well-being. Hold the crystal in your hand or place it on the corresponding chakra that needs attention. For emotional healing, you can place it on the heart chakra or hold it during times of stress or anxiety.

5. Cleansing and Recharging:

   - Regularly cleansing and recharging your Angelite crystal is important to maintain its effectiveness. Negative energies can accumulate over time. You can use any of the clearing methods mentioned in step 1 to cleanse your crystal as needed.

Remember to trust your intuition and personal connection with Angelite. Explore different ways of using and working with it to find what resonates best with you. As with all crystals, your own energy and intention play a significant role in harnessing their benefits.