
How to use Selenite charging plate ?

A Selenite charging plate is typically used as a crystal charging station or a base to cleanse and recharge other crystals. Selenite is believed to have purifying and cleansing properties, making it an excellent choice for this purpose. Here's a general guide on how to use a Selenite charging plate:

1. Select your Selenite charging plate: Choose a flat, polished Selenite plate that is large enough to hold your crystals comfortably.

2. Cleanse your Selenite plate: Before using it for the first time, you can cleanse the Selenite charging plate by gently wiping it with a soft cloth or brushing off any dust or debris.

3. Set your intention: Before placing your crystals on the plate, it can be helpful to set an intention for what you want the crystals to receive or amplify. This step is optional but can enhance the energetic connection.

4. Prepare your crystals: Cleanse your crystals beforehand using a method you prefer, such as smudging, placing them under running water, or using other cleansing crystals like clear quartz.

5. Place the crystals on the charging plate: Arrange your crystals on the Selenite plate, making sure they are in direct contact with the plate's surface. You can place one crystal at a time or multiple crystals together, depending on their size.

6. Leave the crystals on the plate: Allow the crystals to sit on the Selenite charging plate for a period of time, typically overnight or for a few hours. This allows the Selenite's energy to cleanse and recharge the crystals.

7. Retrieve your crystals: Once you feel that your crystals have been sufficiently charged, carefully remove them from the Selenite plate.

Remember that this is a general guideline, and individual preferences may vary. Some people may choose to incorporate additional steps or rituals into their crystal charging practices based on their beliefs and intentions.