Larimar Meaning, Zodiac Sign, Healing Properties and Powers



Larimar, also known as the "Atlantis Stone" or "Dolphin Stone," is a unique and captivating gemstone renowned for its mesmerizing blue coloration. It is a rare variety of pectolite that is found only in a single location in the Dominican Republic. With its tranquil blue hues reminiscent of the Caribbean Sea, larimar has gained popularity as a popular choice for jewelry and spiritual purposes. Larimar is believed to have a deep connection to the ocean and is often associated with calming and soothing energies. It is often hailed as a stone of serenity, promoting a sense of inner peace, relaxation, and tranquility. Many people find working with larimar to be emotionally uplifting and stress-relieving.

Healing Properties

 Soothing  Communication  Expression  Compassion  Calming

Soothing : It is believed to promote a sense of serenity and relaxation, allowing one to find inner peace and tranquility.

Calming :  Larimar is known for its calming energy, which can help reduce stress, anxiety, and emotional turmoil.

Communication : It is believed to help enhance clear and effective communication, allowing one to express their thoughts and emotions with confidence and clarity.

Compassion : It is believed to strengthen the connection to this energy and support the expression of feminine qualities within oneself.

Metaphysical Properties

  • It can assist in accessing and embracing the nurturing and healing aspects of the self.
  • Promoting clear communication and self-expression.
  • Promoting emotional healing and inner peace.     
  • Promoting overall balance and well-being.
  • It can help individuals develop their intuitive powers, enhance their psychic senses.


Zodiac Birthstone

The birthstone of Leo

Larimar is often associated with the zodiac sign of Leo. Leo individuals are known for their confident and charismatic nature, and larimar is believed to resonate with their energy, promoting self-expression and enhancing their natural leadership qualities. That being said, larimar can be enjoyed and beneficial for anyone, regardless of their zodiac sign.


What Chakra is Larimar?

Larimar is primarily associated with the throat chakra, also known as the Vishuddha chakra. The throat chakra is the energy center located at the throat region and is associated with communication, self-expression, and the ability to speak one's truth. Larimar's soothing and calming energy is believed to open and activate the throat chakra, facilitating clear and effective communication, enhancing self-expression, and promoting the alignment of thoughts, words, and actions. It encourages individuals to express their authentic selves and communicate their needs, desires, and emotions with confidence and clarity.

How to Cleanse & Charge Larimar?

Cleanse with Water and Charge for a sort time in sunlight

You can hold the larimar under the water for a few moments while visualizing any negative or stagnant energies being washed away. Larimar can be charged by placing it in sunlight. Find a safe and secure spot where the larimar can receive direct sunlight for a few hours or overnight.

  How to spot Fake Larimar?

Authentic larimar typically displays a range of light to medium blue shades, often with white or gray patterns resembling ocean waves or clouds. Larimar is usually translucent to opaque, with varying levels of transparency. Genuine larimar may contain natural inclusions such as mineral traces or tiny crystalline formations, which add to its unique beauty. Larimar has a moderate weight and density. Authentic larimar often has a smooth and polished surface, with a gentle waxy or glass-like luster.

Final Thoughts

Larimar is a truly captivating and beautiful gemstone with unique qualities and properties. Its soothing blue color and association with the ocean give it a calming and serene energy. The healing properties of larimar, such as promoting emotional healing, enhancing communication, and bringing a sense of peace and tranquility, make it a popular choice for those seeking balance and harmony in their lives.Its association with the throat chakra supports clear communication and self-expression, allowing individuals to speak their truth with confidence and authenticity.