Picture Jasper Meaning, Zodiac Sign, Healing Properties and Powers



Picture Jasper is known as a stone of vision. Picture Jasper gets its name from the vibrant colors which resemble a picture, or print. The mottled patterns and swirls in Picture Jasper are said to be reminiscent of natural scenes from the earth, especially landscapes. Picture Jasper meaning is a deep connection to the earth. Jasper is known as the supreme nurturer. Lets look a little closer and see how Picture Jasper can help you out.

Healing Properties

 Relaxation  Companion  Creativity  Nurturing  Emotional Healing  Harmony  Healing  Strength  Grounding 

Relaxation: This calming stone is particularly useful for those who struggle with anxiety and worry.

Companion: Picture Jasper is a supportive companion to have by your side if you are tackling emotional demons.

Creativity: Picture Jasper is also a great stone to help spark creative ideas and thoughts. Particularly useful for people with jobs that require imagination.

Nurturing: A nurturing, protective stone, Picture Jasper brings comfort and alleviates fear.

Emotional Healing:  Picture Jasper can help you release these feelings that no longer serve you.

Harmony: It instil a sense of proportion and harmony to the system and allows one to see joy in simple things.

Healing: It works wonders for bringing healing to the body, mind and soul.

Strength: By invoking the power of Picture Jasper, you can gain confidence in yourself that will give you the strength to go after your goals and desires.

Grounding: Picture Jasper is a grounding and harmonizing stone with a strong connection to the earth.


Metaphysical Properties

  • Brings calming reassurance
  • Helps us to feel grounded
  • Deep spiritual awakening
  • Heightens your psychic ability
  • Powerful visionary stone for creativity
  • Stimulates the imagination and provides inspiration
  • Enhances creativity and encourages new ideas

Zodiac Birthstone

Jasper is not specific to any zodiac sign, but is thought to bring Cancer and Capricorn compassion and patience. Aries and Scorpio are also reported to benefit from any variety of Jasper.

What Chakra is Picture Jasper?

Picture Jasper is usually associated with the Sacral Chakra as well as excellent for activating the Base or Root Chakra. This stone will stimulate your root chakra and fill your body with stabilizing spiritual energy and balance. It is the Sacral Chakra that stimulates creativity and imagination.

How to Cleanse & Charge Picture Jasper?

Clean with smudging or water and Charge in the light of the full moon.

You can cleanse picture Jasper by leaving them out under the moonlight overnight. Smudging your crystals with sage is another effective way to cleanse them. Picture Jasper is a stone that absorbs energy easily, so it is important to recharge your crystals after they have been cleansed. All grounding stones love moonlight and are able to recharged by exposure to lunar energy. Leaving it overnight will renew your stone and help it work more effectively. Just ensure that you bring it back inside by sunrise, as the direct light of the sun might damage your stone. 

How to Spot Fake Picture Jasper?

To tell if a picture jasper is real, try the knife test. If you have got a real jasper stone, you wont be able to scratch it with a knife as it is incredibly hard.

Final Thoughts

Picture-Jasper will work in your life as the supreme nurturer. It will sustain you during your times of stress, and it will bring you the peace that you need to remain strong and standing. It will absorb all the negative energies that you may encounter or experience. You can use Picture Jasper in your everyday life to keep you grounded, centered, and focused. Its powerful healing properties can bring a number of benefits to your life, you just have to give it a chance.