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Opalite Meaning, Zodiac Sign, Healing Properties and Powers



Opalite is unlike other crystals because it can't be found on the Earth. It is a man-made synthetic glass, known by a number of different names, including Tiffany Stone, Opalised Fluorite and Purple Opal. Opalite is associated with youth and child-like wonder. It helps you see life with optimism and curiosity. The spiritual meanings of Opalite are quick mood boosts, the ability to turn a frown into a smile, and the light of a clear blue sky. It's also called the Ice Cream stone as it has a unique coolness to its appearance. Opalite two primary colors, blue and white, come together to form it's unique shine. Together they stand for openness, calmness, and purity. Let's delve a little deeper and uncover the healing properties of Opalite.

Healing Properties

 Psychic abilities - Spirituality - Transition - Joyful Childlike glee - Self-Love - Inner Strength - Soothing - Relationship - Compassion - Wealth

Psychic abilities: Opalite enhances your psychic abilities so that you can establish a stronger connection with your spirit guides.

Spirituality: The spiritual energies that Opalite contains do wonders for the people who use this stone and keep it with them through the various stages of life.

Transition: Opalite can be of great help with transitions of any kind.

Joyful: For many people who have trouble getting their minds off of very serious and deep topics, Opalite reminds them to stay fun, cheery, and light-hearted.

Childlike Glee: It reminds us to stay young at heart, to look for the bright side of life, and to allow even the most simple of life's joys into our hearts.

Self-Love: It will boost your self-esteem and improve your sense of self-worth.

Inner Strength: Opalite will also help you unleash your inner strength so that you will uncover and express your deeper feelings.

Soothing: Opalite is also known to put heavy hearts at ease and relieve your sorrows.

Relationship: If you are desiring a long-lasting and loving relationship with someone, then opalite is the right crystal for you.

Compassion: If you struggle with resentment and anger, the Opalite stone will help you replace it with compassion and kindness.

Wealth: At work place, the Tiffany Stone on a desk or shelf to promote success in business. This is a great way to improve your income. It brings wealth and good fortune with its energy.

Metaphysical Properties

  • Improving insight, intuition, and internal vision.
  • Vital for spiritual communication
  • Balance the yin-yang energies
  • Help control mood swings
  • Bring a feeling of peace to your life
  • Absorb all the negative energies and transmute them
  • Give you the emotional strength 
  • Enhance your communication

Zodiac Birthstone

The birthstone of Cancer

Opalite is known to help Cancers enhance their better traits. People born under this sign tend to keep their emotions bottled up and let them explode after a while. With Opalite, they learn to express themselves freely without fear of punishment. With Opalite, Cancers can see their past, present, and future to decide what they're going to do next. They'll be able to see how each action will affect them in the long term. It's one of the best crystals to use when it comes to self-work, which is something Cancers will appreciate.

What Chakra is Opalite?

Opalite crystal is primarily associated with the crown and third eye chakras. The crown chakra will enhances self-insight, intuition and psychic abilities. Further the third eye chakra connection strengthens self-understanding, in addition to clarifying perceptions of the external world. Meanwhile, resonates with the heart chakra to magnify warm and loving energy in all its forms.Also It removes blockages of the chakras and meridians that are preventing positive energy from getting through.

How to Cleanse & Charge Opalite?

Cleanse with Smudging and Charge in sunlight or moonlight.

Many people don't realize how important it is to periodically cleanse your healing crystals. Over time, Opalite absorbs a lot of negativity and toxic vibes. Opalite should never be cleansed in water. A popular and simple way to cleanse your Opalite is to smudge it in the smoke of a healing herb like sage, sweetgrass, cedar, frankincense or lavender. This is a beautiful way to cleanse your stone, and you might even find yourself benefiting from the smoke of these sacred herbs. For charging your opalite, let your crystal sit on a window sill where it will receive the light source you prefer. If you're putting it in the sun, then leave it for several hours. Just make sure to rotate your stone periodically. Opalite can also be left in the moonlight overnight.

How to spot Fake Opalite?

Since it is not actually a true gem, genuineness is a moot point if we are talking about opalite. All opalite is synthetic. More commonly, collectors are concerned with whether a crystal is man-made opalite or organic opal. Using a high level of magnification, you will be able to spot the regularity and lizard-skin-like pattern characteristic of synthetic opalite. Also note that, if your crystal gives off a greenish glow under UV light, it is sure to be opalite and not true opal.

Final Thoughts

A sky blue stone that symbolizes clear thinking, new beginnings, and childlike glee. Opalite is ideal for use during times of change or upheaval. We like the meaning of Opalite because it's incredibly positive and full of hope. If you're looking for a way to boost your communication skills and confidence, this stone is the answer you've waited for. Crystal fans and collectors love Opalite. This is because its milky and translucent appearance has a beautiful vibration of energy and harmony. It also helps you transition to your higher self. Opalite is a stone that will definitely turn your head and make you stop and pay attention. We hope you found this guide helpful and are inspired to give this stone a shot. It's one of our favorites, and we think you'll feel the same way.

"Opalite, a radiant touch in home decor and workplace ambiance, imbues spaces with serene warmth, fostering love, and emotional healing, creating sanctuaries of tranquility and renewal."

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